Welcome to The Strength Temple Learning & Insights.  All our client services are completely discrete and bespoke.  That said we want to deliver useful and valuable content to the wider community interested in reaching their full potential.  This section delivers articles based on our


 philosophy of Hydration, Flexibility, Movement, Nutrition, Environment, Breath & Mindfulness promoting overall wellness and empowering habit formation.

Movement, Shona, Breath, Flexibility, Environment Richard Davis Movement, Shona, Breath, Flexibility, Environment Richard Davis

Stairway to Heaven "Glutes"

I should just note that I wrote this one quite some time ago when I was living in sunny Sydney. I Sadly don’t live near any park with steps. However, if you are near stairs – I hope this article brings you some inspiration to climb up, then down, then up again, then down, then up (because it’s important to finish on a high). Includes a video of some favourite Yoga moves to cool down.  Enjoy…

“I should just note that I wrote this one quite some time ago when I was living in sunny Sydney. I Sadly don’t live near any park with steps. London is very flat. However, if you are near stairs – I hope this article brings you some inspiration to climb up, then down, then up again, then down, then up (because it’s important to finish on a high). Enjoy…”

Lately I’ve been looking at more dynamic and explosive ways of training my body, 1. because it’s fun and 2. because I don’t seem to have the time for these luxuriously long workouts anymore – so it has to be efficient with the time I have.

Stair sprints have been the answer.

There are a few main benefits to stair sprints. As mentioned above it is time efficient, allowing for a great cardiovascular and intense workout in under 15 minutes of training. Legs and Butt to brag about is benefit number two, as the explosive nature of stair running can do wonders for the Gluteus Maximus & Medius and Quadriceps. Benefit number three is the fact that it’s way more interesting that sitting on a leg extension machine or stepping up and down bench in the gym – you’re hopefully outdoors, in the sun, breathing fresh oxygen.

Today I ran up the beautiful, yet painfully steep steps at Cooper Park, Sydney 10 times. Resting at the top for 30 seconds before I would run down to enjoy it all over again (ok so I may be exaggerating when I say enjoy – it’s a love hate thing). Each time I ran back up the stairs I made a promise that I would go as hard as I could to the top, sprinting 2 steps at a time so that I would get a better Glute workout as opposed to just my Quads doing most of the work.

How To:

Begin with a quick warm up. Using Dynamic stretches like deep squats and psoas lunges. Also, complete a quick jog up the steps – taking one step at a time with a nice and gentle spring in your step.

When you feel warm go ahead and sprint as fast as you can up the steps, taking 2 steps at a time, drive through the heel of your top foot so that you are engaging, not just the quad, but the gluteus as well. Make sure that your knee is tracking directly over your ankle as you run up the steps. (Watch out for knees dropping inward – this could mean that you are not stable enough through the glute and need to slow down. Instead of sprinting, try walking up two steps at a time, consciously driving through the heel of your foot, watching the tracking of the knee and concentrating on squeezing your butt muscles to get you up).

Repeat this 10 times. Resting for anywhere between 30 – 50 seconds. If you’re new to this or you feel under conditioned take a longer rest.

Write down your results – how long it took you to get up the steps, how long you rested for and how many sets you did. Then beat it next week.

Obviously you shouldn’t be doing this sort of explosive training if you have any injuries – anywhere in your body. I say that very seriously – I know it may sound a little overprotective, however this workout is intense and extremely taxing on the body. Why put it under unnecessary stress when it is trying to heal? Injuries require slow stabilising workouts and massage – so be honest with yourself and your current physical state before attempting this workout.

If you can do the workout – Then try the post exercise stretch sequence below.

Watch the video first and then copy the sequence I have written for you below. It’s very quick and simple. DONT SKIP YOUR STRETCHES PEEPS!


1. Cresent lunge:

Begin with feet together and step back the left leg into a crescent lunge. Make sure your hips are square, your lower stomach is drawn in and pelvic floft edited (the kind of squeeze you would doif you were busting to go to the toilet).

Bring your palms together at your heart and reach up to stretch out your psoas and hip flexor muscles, twist your body to the right and hook your left elbow on the outside of the right leg (twisting crescent lunge).

2. Ardha Hanuman

Come back to centre and bring your finger tips to the floor. On an exhale press your hips backwards so that you come into Ardha Hanumanasana / Half Splits. Let your head completely relax down so that you get the full fascial stretch from the sole of your foot through the back of your leg right up to the back or your neck (yes! it’s that connected!)

Move in between these two postures, the lunge and Ardha Hanumanasana, by inhaling to brand the front knee and exhaling back in the the half split (Ardha Hanuman pose). Take as many rounds of this as you like going that little bit deeper each time (if your body allows for it).

2. Skandasana:

From Ardha Hanumanasana come back into the lunge by bending your front knee. Take both hand into the inside of your front leg. Begin to shift your weight all onto the front leg and you twist your body to the left. Place both hands on the outside of your left leg and fold forward.

Transition to take it all on the left side by bending the left knee into a lunge and repeat from the Crescent Lunge.

Happy Stretching.


Miss Vertue. (info@shonavertue.com)

#respectyourtemple #movementpillar

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Nutrition, Recipe Richard Davis Nutrition, Recipe Richard Davis

Chia Pudding & Removing bad habits

We've been duped by advertisers pushing that massive greasy pizzas or cupcakes towering with frosting make us feel good!  When you get on the track to eating cleaner and really listening to your body after you’ve eaten junk you’ll get it.  We promise!  This is a critical article to your progress followed by a recipe for Chia Pudding - one of our most favourite SUPERFOODS!  We hope you enjoy it :-).....

As you know our Director Richie Norton has been on the road recently training some exciting new drivers in Abu Dhabi looking to enter the world of F1.  Getting hold of some of the ingredients we usually take for granted was a real challenge and it’s brought home to us the amazing access we have to Superfoods in the UK.

Bio Science and investigations into natural superfoods is teaching us so much, but we still see so many ignoring the facts and continuing to poison their bodies with junk.   We understand it's not easy breaking habits.  To get started you can simply be open to a healthier set of choices that look amazing and are absolutely delicious.

We've been duped by advertisers pushing that massive greasy pizzas or cupcakes towering with frosting make us feel good when they absolutely DO NOT!  When you get on the track to eating cleaner and really listening to your body after you’ve eaten junk you’ll get it. We promise!  By the way; we love this ad.  We are not endorsing Weightwatchers and don’t necessarily agree with their philosophy, but we do LOVE THIS AD.  My son studied it in his media classes and came home excited to tell me all about it.  It’s extremely powerful.  Watch it and see if it highlights the fact that what we all do is purely habitual.  The great news is that once we realise this we can change it :-)


So how do we move forwards?  Well it’s a gradual thing.  We need to create an empowering alternative to make it easier to win this game of improvement.  Make better choices when you're shopping and play around with some new superfood creations.  Start to learn how to cook clean (there’s plenty of inspiration here on this website) & get your kids involved. They are the future after all.

We deal extensively with replacing bad habits with new empowering ones as part of our programs.  There are also loads of tips here in the website to keep you motivated and on the right track.

So let's start with a beautiful superfood - Chia seeds.  You can use them to sprinkle on all sorts of dishes.  They are relatively tasteless, so you can go savoury or sweet.  They are a great source of soluble fibre and extremely nutritious:

28 grams (1oz) of chia seeds contains:  11 grams of fibre, 4 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat (5 of which are Omega 3), Calcium 18% RDA, Manganese 30% RDA, Magnesium 30% RDA, Phosphorous 27% RDA.  They also contain Zinc, B3 (Niacin), Potassium, B1 (Thiamine) and B2.


Chia pudding.


Get yourself a big jar and cover the bottom with a tablespoon of chia seeds (available in all health food shops or via Amazon UK in the link at the bottom of this article).  Then you can try either of these methods or make some up yourself.

The awesome looking purple one at the top of this article is Chia with coconut water, blueberries & some fresh mint leaves.  Just add the blueberries and mint to the chia in the jar and top up with the coconut water.  Give them a good stir and pop the lid on.  In time they will exude their halo of goodness and fill up the jar - it's magic and simple!

The one we used to top our porridge is Chia with coconut water, sunflower seeds and goji berries.  Use the same method.

Soaking them brings them to life releasing all the nutrient benefits.  A jar should last you all week.

Try adding a spoon full to your smoothies, use it to top your porridge, eat it with some fresh yogurt or simply eat it from the jar.  It packs a nutritious punch & they keep for up to 2 weeks if refrigerated.  The featured picture is Organic Porridge topped with Banana, Kiwi, Chia Pudding (the goji and sunflower one), bee pollen and a flavour bomb of passion fruit in the middle!  It’s currently in my tummy and has fuelled the writing of this article :-)

If you like what we’re talking about and want to make sure you don’t miss anything you can subscribe to our newsletter here.


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Hydration, Nutrition, Recipe Richard Davis Hydration, Nutrition, Recipe Richard Davis

Morning rituals to kickstart and detox

Some of you may already know about this magic morning potion, but either way you may need a reminder to kick off your day in the right way so you're ready for action.  It’s a bit of an acquired taste, but we highly recommend you give it a try!  Method here.....

Some of you may already know about this magic morning potion, but either way you may need a reminder to kick off your day in the right way so you're ready for action.  It’s a bit of an acquired taste, but we highly recommend you give it a try!


Take a nice clean glass and fill with warm water.  If you use boiling water it will destroy many of the nutrients and if you use cold water it will take longer to hydrate you.  Trust me - warm water is like baby bear's porridge - just right!

Add the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of raw, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar.  Drink to hydrate and stimulate your body’s natural detox processes.

Here's a few reasons why you should try this...


  • Boosts your immune system
  • Flushes out unwanted materials
  • Flushes out unwanted toxins
  • Helps aid in weight loss
  • Is a natural blood purifier
  • Balances your pH level
  • Helps relieve respiratory issues
  • Helps aid in throat infections
  • Decreases blemishes
  • Decreases wrinkles
  • Naturally energizes you
  • Hydrating
  • Alkaline in the body
  • Aids digestion
  • It even oxygenates the body so you feel revitalized and refreshed.


  • Very rich in enzymes and potassium
  • Helps clear up acne
  • Helps relieve allergies
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Helps aid in weight loss by breaking down fat
  • Balances pH level
  • Helps relieve muscle pain from workouts
  • Helps dissolve kidney stones
  • Helps prevent sinus infection
  • Helps prevent acid reflux
  • Helps prevent arthritis
  • Lowers levels of fatigue
  • Aids digestion
  • Helps control and prevent candida.

Give it a try.  If you can't find our favourite Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar you can buy at at Amazon in the UK via the link below.


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Mindfulness, Environment Richard Davis Mindfulness, Environment Richard Davis

Change your state in an instant

Some of the most powerful techniques we teach as part of our Mindfulness Pillar are ways in which our clients can change their state in an INSTANT.  By state we mean how you are feeling in a given moment.

There are many different ways in our arsenal, but one of the simplest that we can give to you right now would be to start your own list of best quotes.  It might seem obvious as you read it, and this really works.........

So we were having one of our stand up meetings at The Strength Temple HQ and brainstorming what we felt you’d like to hear about today.  Some of the most powerful techniques we teach as part of our Mindfulness Pillar are ways in which our clients can change their state in an INSTANT.  By state we mean how you are feeling in a given moment.

Before we go onto empowering ways to do this, it's important to cover an important point.  The reason that many people turn to drink, drugs, arguments, self harm or other destructive behaviours is purely about changing their state.  The power of these levers is in the instant effect that they have on your state.  Simply being mindful that this is the reason your are doing these things (if you do) is sometimes enough to start a shift in behaviour.  Techniques that you can employ to shift your state in a more supportive and empowering way for your body and mind are pure gold.  Cherish them.

There are many different ways to do this in our arsenal, but one of the simplest that we can give to you right now would be to start your own list of best quotes.  It might seem obvious as you read it, and this really works.

The following quotes are our favourites to motivate.  We have separate lists if we want to focus on different areas of our lives.  These might be love and relationships, growth, giving or our financial wellbeing etc.  For now we would like to give you our motivational quotes as a basis for you to start your own list.

We would absolutely love it if you would add some of your own to the comments section at the end of this post.  We are ALWAYS looking for new quotes to add to our master lists, so please share the love!

We have copies of these all over the place.  One of my favourite places is right in front of our running machine.  When the going gets tough reading through them motivates and changes our focus and ALWAYS gets us to the finishing line 😃  So copy and paste these and print them off.  Stick them on your fridge, or hang them up in your gym.  It will start to move you in a more powerful direction.

Have a mindful day, share this post to help others and don’t forget to…….


"If you're gunna be a bear - be a grizzly."
Mahatma Ghandhi

"Life isn't about how many breaths you take, but the number of moments that take your breath away."

"A man is not so much measured by his successes, as by the challenges he has overcome."
Adapted from Booker T Washington

"Never give advice unless you have walked the walk, because anybody can talk the talk."
Valencia Mackie

"Life is about using the whole box of crayons."

"We do today what others won't. We do tomorrow what others can't."
Jerry Rice

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Daniel J Evans

"It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
Abraham Lincoln

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
Mae West

"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than anything on which it is poured."
Mark Twain

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
Dorothy Parker

"The difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary is the little word Extra."
Adapted from Jimmy Johnson

"Courage to start, strength to endure, resolve to finish."

"You are the most prepared maniac I have ever met!" 
Nick Pugh

"Improvise, Modify, Adapt, Overcome." 
The Recruit (modified from a Marines quote).

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."

"Fear is your best friend or your worst enemy. It's like fire. If you can control it, it can cook for you; it can heat your house. If you can't control it, it will burn everything around you and destroy you."
Mike Tyson

"The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it."
John Ruskin

"In order to be the best you can be it's OK to fail sometimes. It's never OK to give up." 

"If you're going through hell. Keep going."
Winston Churchill

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Winston Churchill

"The two most important days in your life are the day you were borne and the day that you find out why."
Mark Twain

"The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have."
Vince Lombardi

"If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten."
Tony Robbins

"The mind is everything. What you think you become."

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Martin Luther King Jr.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

"Tough times never last, but tough people do.”
Dr. Robert Schuller

"You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them."
Michael Jordan

"You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take."
Wayne Gretzky

"Every ending, has a new beginning."
Laura McGrath-Scott

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Nutrition, Recipe Richard Davis Nutrition, Recipe Richard Davis

Vegetable Roast Up!

Colourful roasted vibes right here!  It’s so easy, trust me on this one.  Get some vegetable love into your body with this super tasty Roasted Vegetable Dish.  We use Coconut oil and rosemary to add extra flavour.  Perfect to mix up your veg intake and add some variety to your nutrition......

Colourful roasted vibes right here!

It’s so easy, trust me on this one.  Get some vegetable love into your body with this super tasty Roasted Vegetable Dish.


Kale, sweet potato wedges, parsnip chunks, capsicum strips, whole garlic cloves, coconut oil, rosemary, malden salt, freshly ground black pepper, lemon juice.


So simple you can do it blind folded (be careful of the sharp knives of course).  Pre-heat oven to 220 degrees C, chop up your roasted goodies, throw in an ovenproof bowl (exclude kale at this stage), add coconut oil, add your seasoning.   Massage the coconut oil into the veg so it’s all covered and then pop them into the oven.

After about 15 minutes take them out and give them a shake to move the brown bits around and baste in their own juices.

Kale goes in at the end with 5 mins to go; leave until it browns up and goes super crispy.  After 20-30mins ish they will be ready.

Serve with a squeeze of lemon juice for extra ZING!


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Nutrition, Recipe Richard Davis Nutrition, Recipe Richard Davis

Breakfast Porridge Jars

This is a great breakfast hack and doesn’t take any time to make.  For those of you that get up, get in the shower and get out, you can do this the night before and leave it in the fridge.  Just don’t forget to take it with you.  Perhaps leave your keys with it 😉  Breakfast Porridge Jars......

Breakfast on the move!

We would usually recommend you get up 30 minutes earlier and enjoy a steady and un-rushed breakfast experience, but we’re also realists and know that some of you like to fly about like a pinball.  If you can’t beat em, join em!

The fact is that eating breakfast is so important and if you can’t manage to make some time in the morning to have a proper feed, we’re going to encourage you to get your nutrition in one way or another.

This is a great breakfast hack and doesn’t take any time to make.  For those of you that get up, get in the shower and get out, you can do this the night before and leave it in the fridge.  Just don’t forget to take it with you.  Perhaps leave your keys with it 😉

Breakfast Porridge Jars

Make your porridge which takes a few minutes in the microwave - there’s no excuse!  We like organic gluten free, steel cut porridge oats.  Make it just how you like it, but if you are leaving it in the fridge overnight, make it slightly thinner as it will thicken up as it gets cold and the oats swell.

Put your porridge in an old Coconut Oil jar, or similar and top with your favourite toppings.  Breakfasts like this are an ideal time to get your nut and seed intake on board as well as a great opportunity to smash some fresh fruit into your body.  We’ve gone for berries here, but you can go with what’s in your fruit bowl.  Strawberries and mango is another top choice of ours.  Sprinkle your favourite seeds (chia, poppy, sunflower, pumpkin etc), muesli or trail mix on the top and pop the lid on.

Oh - and don’t forget to take a spoon 😃 


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Nutrition, Hydration, Recipe Richard Davis Nutrition, Hydration, Recipe Richard Davis

Green Smoothie Quickie

Our founder, Richie Norton, is working in the Middle East at the moment. He’s been running a very heavy schedule working with some exciting new drivers and the changes in temperature from red hot track to ice cold air con have been playing havoc with his body.  We just got this message from him, and thought we’d share it with a picture from The Strength Temple kitchen in the UK with the amazing @shonavertue modelling these health promoting breakfast smoothies for us.  Recipe here........

Our founder, Richie Norton, is working in the Middle East at the moment. He’s been running a very heavy schedule working with some exciting new drivers and the changes in temperature from red hot track to ice cold air con have been playing havoc with his body.  He's been craving some greens goodness amongst the sweet treats available everywhere. We just got this message from him, so thought we’d share it with a picture from The Strength Temple kitchen in the UK with the amazing @shonavertue modelling these health promoting breakfast smoothies for us.

"Today was a right treat, managed to find some ingredients this morning, borrowed the chefs blender and showed the kitchen crew how to rustle up a brekky super smoothie #thestrengthtemple#style 👉🏽🌿spinach • mixed with a green apple • melon • cucumber & a coconut 🌴 bosh! 🙏🏼Looking forward to some home comforts...missing my bed & my kitchen. 

Happy Thursday!! 💚” Richie Norton

So start with some ice in your blender and get these incredible ingredients in there to start your day.  Add some coconut water or filtered water to get your desired consistency and enjoy 😃 Make a little extra and stash it in some recycled jam jars in the fridge to give you a hit of goodness later when you need it!


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Mindfulness, Environment, Mind Richard Davis Mindfulness, Environment, Mind Richard Davis

Powerful Thought Game to Transform Your Future!

The first time I did this my goal was to get out of rented accommodation and into my own home.  I didn’t think I had the financial capacity to do it and it was really getting me down.  Within 2 weeks I’d found a new home and placed an offer that was accepted. I also used it to stop smoking and change my career.  This stuff works!

The first time I did this my goal was to get out of rented accommodation and into my own home.  I didn’t think I had the financial capacity to do it and it was really getting me down.

Within 2 weeks I’d found a new home and placed an offer that was accepted. I also used it to stop smoking and change my career.  This stuff works!

A good way to really take some action towards something is to momentarily  consider what would happen if you don't.  Think of something you really want to change.  It could be anything - your fitness level, your finances, your relationship with someone (existing or imagined!), your diet, smoking, drinking or anything at all really!

Now, the following process can can feel a little emotionally painful in places, but it's worth it and will allow you to shed your fear and live in the now.  It's also important when doing this exercise to make sure you have a good half an hour of no interruptions.  Turn your phone off.  Find a quiet place.  Make sure you are comfortable.  It's a kind of meditation, and so light a candle if that's your thing, and get yourself centred.  If you can’t do it now, book some time in your diary for later and look forward to it!

Preparation is the key. Put all of this in place before you read on, or this won't work.  I want you to do this properly, and this will take me some time to write and explain, so return my investment in you by doing exactly as I ask, and don't cheat.  You will be rewarded at the end for your honesty.

The process requires you to stop at times. When I write PAUSE, do what I have asked, and don't read on until you have done this.  Promise me.  Don’t cheat yourself out of a better result.  It will work so much better if you follow these instructions to the letter.  After the pause there will be a long blank section to stop the temptation to read on before time.  When you are ready just scroll through these sections to the next stage.

OK - So have you prepared??  If you haven't PLEASE DON'T READ ON.  Get yourself set up.

I'm assuming that you're ready and have done all I asked.  I respect you for this, and wish you an interesting and enlightening journey. Let's begin. Be prepared to feel all the emotion associated with it.  I promise you will feel great at the end and have more clarity.


Sit quietly on your own with no distrations. Now consider your life where you are now. Really think about your current situation, the current thing you either don't have, or behaviour you would like to change, and allow yourself to "feel" everything.  Take a couple of minutes, don't rush.  How do you feel about this thing?  Breathe deeply.

PAUSE - do this then scroll down to the next part...

OK. Once you are focused on this, you need to consider what you want.

I want you to focus on this for a minute, and more importantly the perfect scenario. Imagine a balanced life.  Imagine you have changed the bahavious you want to change, or achieved the goal you imagine.  Close your eyes and focus using pictures - make them colour, sounds, smells, touch and taste. This process uses what's called the "theatre of your mind". There are no rules, no restrictions, it's all up to you to make it real.  Really take time to describe this to yourself as if it’s happened.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

Have you done this? If you haven't thought about the perfect situation go back and start over - it won’t work properly unless you do this exactly as I describe.

If you are still being good, awesome.  Enlightenment is round the corner!  Does it almost seem real because you ave taken the time to really feel it, and imagine it with colour, sound, smell - everything? 

Good - Now for the more difficult part.

In a minute, I want you to close your eyes again, and see yourself in 1 years time WITHOUT what you wanted to happen.  Not just the actual habit or thing, but all of the things you would have missed out on, or how your energy levels will still be low.  I want you to really FEEL how things are with nothing changing. Use all your senses again. OK do this now.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

Have you done it? If you haven't stop right now and do it bofore reading on.

OK. Now I need you to do the same thing, but forward yourself 5 years into the future.  You still haven't changed, or achieved the thing you wanted.  How old are you now?  What are you doing?  What is missing in your life because you haven't simply gone for it?  Do you have any regrets?  Really feel it. Don't skip the steps.  Do this now for a minute or so.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

OK. Now launch yourself 10 years into the future and do this again.  What has happened.  How is your physical body and health.  What are you doing?  What have you missed out on.  What are your wider friends and family doing?  What do they think of you?  Again for a minute or so close your eyes and really FEEL the situation like you are there 10 years from now.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

OK. I should think you're feeling pretty rubbish by now, so lets really raise the bar. I want you to project your life 25 years into the future.  This will be hard, but really see yourself without what you want.  Where are you.  What do you look like.  What have you missed out on?  Are you happy?  Do this for a minute or so, and use all your senses.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

OK.  I am sorry to have had to do that to you. It will be more than worth it though.  The thing is:


Feel relief. Feel thankful for your current situation and that you have the opportunity and power to bring any change in your life you desire.  Bring yourself back to the present.  Breathe deeply and give yourself the opportunity to take another look at your future.  This bit is amazing.  Take your time before you start, because you have just gone through quite alot.  Have a sip of water or something.  Breathe for a while and feel relaxed in your surroundings and body.  All that stuff hasn't happened, so let's design your future the way it WILL AND SHOULD BE!

So you've thrown away all of the future you just envisaged - BIN IT!!  Lets do this again.  This time, FEEL everything in the theatre of your mind for what would be going on in your life if you go for what you want or change what you need to change.  In 1 year from now, if you have that perfect relationship, what are you doing?  If you have decided to change your diet and take regular exercise how do you look and feel, what are your energy levels like?  Where are you?  Give this some thought for a minute and close your eyes.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

You guessed it - starting to feel a little better.  Now it gets better and better.  5 years get's a chance now. Do it again. Don't skip the steps.  Really take time to enjoy the feelings that you are experiencing having achieved what you wanted.  If it was a new relationship - are you married (if that's what you wanted)?  Do you have children.  What do they look like.  If you wanted a new house - where are you living.  What is everyone doing around you in your new life? Feel everything. Get into minute details. Don't hold back.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

OK - That's great, now let's go for ten years. Don't rush this. Have a good look at yourself. It's tempting to rush at this point, but really take time to experience your new life as it will happen. What are you up to now??? Did you stop smoking or drinking?  Where have you been travelling to in the world?  Amazing! Take as long as you want.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

GREAT! Now let's go for the big one. 25 years from now in your desired situation how do you feel?  Is there a picture of you on holiday somewhere on the wall? Feeling great, looking fantastic; amazing?  Think of EVERYTHING. Take as long as you want and enjoy and relish in the experience!

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

Right - bring yourself slowly and gently back in time to the present.  Have a think for a minute about the two scenarios you have just allowed yourself to consider. The ying and yang of your future if you will. One - not what you want, the other - what you are perfectly capable of. Which one do you want to focus on and do everything in your power to go for and attract?

You might want to try this exercise with a friend if they have an open mind and are perceptive to it.  There is a share button at the bottom of the post.  We’d love to impact on as many people as possible to reach their dreams.  Please spread the word.

If I were you I'd sit and reflect for a while. Feel content in your power to design your future. You really have all you need to make it what you want.  Just don't be afraid to go for stuff.  If you get hurt or knocked back, what the heck.  All you have is a lesson in how not to get there, so try something else.  It's not what you know - it's what you do.

If you don't make mistakes, you won't make anything, and your life will rush away from you.  The past does NOT equal the future.  You have the power to go for what ever you want, and it starts right now.

Oh - and don't rush, enjoy the journey :-)



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Mindfulness, Environment, Mind Richard Davis Mindfulness, Environment, Mind Richard Davis

Mindfulness, Anchors & Peak Performance on demand

Focusing on achieving mindfulness can produce a state where we feel what’s commonly described as “flow.”  It’s this state of “flow” that we look for when coaching our clients, and we are careful to build anchors for them to allow a rapid return to that state when it’s needed most.  Check out a few techniques to start using this pro tool....

I’m at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix this weekend.  I’ve been here for the last few weeks working with some awesome people and getting their game just right for the incredible sport of Motor Racing.

Teams at this level invest significantly in every 100th of a second.  It’s apparent from the sheer obsessive attention to detail of the people involved that they leave no stone unturned and no technique is omitted in their goal of the perfect race.

Clearly the car has a large amount to do with this, as do the teams with their carefully honed skills in pit discipline for tyre changes and telemetry analysis, but it’s the driver that I’ve been focusing on.

There are many lessons to be derived from elite athletes and one of the areas I’d like to discuss is Mindfulness and Anchoring.

Mindfulness is defined as the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something, or a mental state achieved by focusing ones attention on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting ones feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.

Focusing on achieving mindfulness can also produce a state where we feel what’s commonly described as “flow.”  Flow is the state where your senses are heightened and you are able to focus on the task at hand with what feels like 110% of your brain.  It’s this state of “flow” that we look for when coaching our clients, and we are careful to build anchors for them to allow a rapid return to that state when it’s needed most.

So anchors are a fascinating thing.  Let’s just take a quick look at them before we go into a technique for getting into your flow at will.  Have you ever heard a song on the radio from years ago that immediately teleported you back to that place where you experienced feelings of that time in your life?  Sometimes the sensations are so acute that they can come as a bit of a surprise as memories come flooding back to the present.  Other people mention a smell that they experience like candy floss (cotton candy for our US brothers and sisters) that takes them back to a fairground experience as a child.  These types of sensations and emotions can be positive or negative.  What you’re experiencing is an anchor.

The interesting thing is that we can create anchors on purpose that can act as empowering levers delivering top performance in a desired situation.  These anchors can take various forms from rituals to a physical act or a set of words and the key to their success in their consistent use at the right time.

Our Pillar on Mindfulness takes you through a full process for developing anchors, but for the sake of this article try this.

Find a routine that’s easy to do when you feel you are in a peak state of “flow."  Something like pinching your ear lobe.  Make sure it’s something unusual that you must mindfully do.  Something you wouldn’t do by accident.  Each time you feel in that state of flow in your life be sure to be mindful of this moment and activate your chosen anchor (e.g. pinch your ear lobe.)  You must constantly do this so it becomes a habit.  If you do this consistently, in time simply pinching your ear lobe will evoke the same  feelings and with practice it can be of the same magnitude.

Some of the people I’ve been training with in the last few weeks have anchors.  They may or may not be aware of them.  Sometimes what we might call “natural” athletes and high performance individuals have just stumbled on the technique by accident if it’s not directly taught.  I love it when I see it happening as they enter that state of flow.  It's a wonderful thing.

I’d like to encourage you to research the topic more.  It’s fascinating and can give you that extra edge required when the race starts or the business meeting kicks off.  Let us know how you get on - we love hearing from people on how they apply our techniques.
So until next time have an awesome and mindful day and don’t forget to.......


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Nutrition, Hydration, Recipe Richard Davis Nutrition, Hydration, Recipe Richard Davis

Vegetable Stew - clean power through colour

Vegetable stews are a staple in The Strength Temple Kitchen.  You can keep them really simple and just add a load of your favourite veg to some stock and simmer, or you can take a little more time and get everything to the right texture by getting your chopping game up to scratch!

So it’s a gorgeous crisp morning in the UK.  Our Brothers and Sisters in the US have just enjoyed Thanks Giving and some may be recovering from a feast or two!  It’s with this in mind that I want to share this simple, but tasty recipe for a vitality promoting lunch that will leave your insides feeling clean and fresh.

Vegetable stews are a staple in The Strength Temple Kitchen.  You can keep them really simple and just add a load of your favourite veg to some stock and simmer, or you can take a little more time and get everything to the right texture by getting your chopping game up to scratch!

They key to our favourite stews is to make sure your veg is all cooked to perfection.  Harder veg should be chopped thinner so it cooks in the same amount of time as softer veg, which should be left larger.

You can see from the insert picture that we’ve chopped our carrots quite thinly where as we have left the cherry tomatoes whole and kept our peppers and courgette (zucchini) slightly larger.  We also don’t like to over cook our veg to maintain it’s awesome texture, taste and nutrient content.

So try this little vegetable medly and let us know your favourite combinations in the comments section below.  We love feedback!


Makes approximately 4 servings

4 potatoes, cubed (you can leave these out of you are on a low carb day)

2 carrots,  1 courgette (zucchini), 1 red onion, 1 leake, handful cherry tomatoes, 1 yellow pepper, 1 red pepper, 4 garlic cloves,  pinch chill flakes (to your taste)

2 handfuls cavil nero or your favourite cabbage

2 litres of your favourite stock

Malden or Himalayan salt and freshly ground black pepper.  extra virgin olive oil (optional)


Place 2 litres of stock in a large saucepan and boil your potatoes until they are about 10 minutes away from being done.  If you don’t want pungent garlic, gently fry it in some coconut oil before adding to the pot, add your vegetable medly and simmer for 7 minutes.  Right at the end add your cabbage, simmer for a further 3 minutes and season to your taste with salt and pepper.

Service in large bowls, drizzle with a dash of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, slurp away and try not to get it down your chin :-)


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Nutrition, Hydration Richard Davis Nutrition, Hydration Richard Davis

Fluro power! Rainbow Chard

So here’s a funky recipe with some cool Fluro colours that will smash a load of Vitamin C into you and protect you from those winter bugs!  I had this for breakfast and it literally turbo charged my morning!

It features one of my all time favourites: Rainbow Chard.  Not only does it look cool, but you can eat it raw so it’s great for pimping up your salads and virtually fat-free.  It’s an awesome source of dietary fibre and a wicked way to get your vitamins A, K, E, & C.  It’s also packed with iron and full of phytochemicals (good for health & healing).

Spending time in Australia literally changed my life.  I met so many influential people and had so many adventures.  One of the most awesome things I encountered was a movement called “One Wave is all it Takes”.

OneWave is a non-profit surf community tackling funks like depression, anxiety and bipolar with a simple recipe; salt-water, surfing, good mates and Fluro Fridays.  They are some of the most awesome people that I’ve ever met and I regularly don my fluro gear (even in London) to raise awareness and spread their messages.  Yep - I get a few crazy looks, but I get more smiles and that’s what it’s all about!

Here’s an extract from their website www.onewaveisallittakes.com

It doesn't matter whether you're riding a wave for the first time or the hundredth time…you never forget the feeling of being on a wave, letting everything go and enjoying the moment. OneWave is all it takes... To free the funk. To give you hope.
OneWave holds weekly Fluro Friday sunrise sessions up and down the coast to raise awareness for mental health. We dress up in the brightest outfits possible and surf/swim/do yoga. Fluro makes people smile and it gets people asking important questions, which are normally avoided about mental health. Everyone is welcome and it is a free event.
Fluro Friday are started by everyday people in your community. We would LOVE to see the stigma reduced in your local community. Find your favourite beach and start your own.

So here’s a funky recipe with some cool Fluro colours that will smash a load of Vitamin C into you and protect you from those winter bugs!  I had this for breakfast and it literally turbo charged my morning!

It features one of my all time favourites: Rainbow Chard.  Not only does it look cool, but you can eat it raw so it’s great for pimping up your salads and virtually fat-free.  It’s an awesome source of dietary fibre and a wicked way to get your vitamins A, K, E, & C.  It’s also packed with iron and full of phytochemicals (good for health & healing).

Take 3 whole stems of chard • coconut water or filtered water • coconut flesh • whole kiwi • small hand full blackberries • fresh basil • hand full spinach • 2 frozen bananas • chia seeds • 1 tbsp flax seed • small chunk of ginger - BLEND!!!

Oh - and if you see some crazy dude in Fluro gear on his bike or in a coffee shop in London - it's just me flying the flag for my brothers and sisters at www.onewaveisallittakes.com 


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Nutrition, Hydration, Recipe Richard Davis Nutrition, Hydration, Recipe Richard Davis

IMMUNE BUSTER! Carrot, Turmeric & Ginger Soup 

Ok, so a new soup recipe for you to try.  Our Founder had his wisdom teeth out recently and retreated to Soups for a week.   He literally went soup mad and felt the need to share!  Perfect if you're short on time & want to cram loads of goodness into one bowl to pack a big healing punch!  The key is getting one that's not full of sugar & other junk.  We’re not being “soupiest” but you really don’t want that in your body!  Check out our quick recipe here.....

Ok, so a new soup recipe for you to try.  Our Founder had his wisdom teeth out recently and retreated to Soups for a week.   He literally went soup mad and felt the need to share!

Soups are great all year round; a superfood full of antioxidants :-)

Perfect if you're short on time & want to cram loads of goodness into one bowl to pack a big healing punch!  The key is getting one that's not full of sugar & other junk.  We’re not being “soupist” but you really don’t want that in your body!

Make it yourself so you know exactly what's in it:

• 8-10 large carrots • 1 leek • 2 sticks celery • whole yellow pepper • 6 asparagus stems (lightly fried in butter) • 1 ltr fresh veggie stock or our special chicken stock • tbsp chunk of ginger • 1 - 2 shallots • 2 large cloves of garlic • tbsp coconut oil • pinch of cayenne pepper • palm full of coriander • Malden Salt & Pepper.

Gently fry the asparagus, ginger, leek, shallots and garlic in the coconut oil.  Then add the remaining ingredients.  Blitz them all up in your blender (add filtered water to preferred consistency). Depending on your blender, it might heat it for you, but if not pop the soup in a pan and heat through.  Garnish to make it pretty.


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Mindfulness, Mind Richard Davis Mindfulness, Mind Richard Davis

Are you a Human Being or a Human Doing?

Let’s just pause to think about this statement for a moment.  Does it leave you feeling like you might have missed a trick?

I don’t want to define this statement too much as I want it to be more of a process of pondering and thought rather than a lesson delivered on a plate......

Let’s just pause to think about this statement for a moment.  Does it leave you feeling like you might have missed a trick?

I don’t want to define this statement too much as I want it to be more of a process of pondering and thought rather than a lesson delivered on a plate.

I suppose it’s a little like looking at abstract art.  Your interpretation of a piece of art may be entirely different from someone else.  Does that make either of you wrong?

I guess one thing I will say is that there is a message in here about mindfulness.  Mindfulness is defined as “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something” and “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging one’s feelings, thoughts and body sensations."

I think for me a Human Being is more mindful and not on autopilot.  We’d love to hear what this means to you.

Have a Mindful day.


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Nutrition, Hydration, Recipe Richard Davis Nutrition, Hydration, Recipe Richard Davis

Magic Potions - The secret to making your own nourishing stock

Great stock is a foundation to great food.  It's also an elixir for good health and has been brewed for thousands of years in all cultures.  Here are our secrets to making awesome stock and some recipe ideas along with advice on how to avoid those winter blues.  #respectyourtemple

So it’s definitely that time of year.  Here at The Strength Temple HQ we had our first dusting of snow last night and it’s certainly getting colder.  Some people find they fall prey to a cold or flu around this time of year, and we want to make sure you do everything you can to stay healthy.

Your wellbeing starts with what you put into your body.  You might be craving sugars at this time of year, but don’t do it.  Processed sugars are food for bacteria and not a great idea!  They also cause your blood sugars to spike releasing insulin.  When this happens the amino acid tryptophan is converted to serotonin in our brain making us feel happier, thus perpetuating the cravings.  This is part of the reason that cramming sugary foods is a common habit during the winter months when daylight is less and some people start to be affected in varying degrees by SAD (seasonal effective disorder) sometimes known as the “winter blues”.

If you’re feeling in a bit of a funk, just recognise and acknowledge the feeling, check in with how you are talking to yourself internally and know that it will pass.   Make sure you take regular walks and runs in the fresh air.  When you're out, take time to bring yourself to the present moment.  Listen to your environment and focus on the birdsong - it's a wonderful thing.  If you think you’re not getting enough sun - perhaps take a vitamin D supplement.  Finally follow our ritual and start to make your own stock.  It really is very therapeutic.  Indulge yourself.

There’s something amazingly pleasurable about taking a load of ingredients that many people will just throw away and creating something absolutely delicious from it to raise your food to another level.  We love making stocks and watching them blipping on the stove is a magical thing and adds to the anticipation of what’s to come.

Our risottos, noodle soups, stews and sauces would all pale into insignificance if we didn’t take time to make great stock.  We never purchase a whole chicken without turning what’s left of the carcass into amazing stock and you should do the same!


As far as health promoting benefits are concerned there are many.  Some are based in science and some more mythical as stock has been made for thousands of years.  Home made stocks contain a load of minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorous etc) easily absorbed by your body.  They also contain broken down material from cartilage and tendons such as chondroitin and glucosamine.  Yep - that’s the stuff you spend money on in your joint supplements!  Finally don’t forget that it’s hydrating.  You just can’t go wrong.

Remember to experiment a little with your ingredients and you will gradually get a “feel” for what makes a great stock that’s exactly to your taste.

If you want to make vegetable stock, just leave out the meat.  It's that simple.  For fish stocks we will write a whole new recipe.  Stay tuned.

The only think we’d advise against as a rule are brassicas such as broccoli, cabbage, sprouts etc.  They are a bit smelly and don’t make great stock!


(If you want to go Eastern)
Include half a Star Anise
1 Clove
3 large pieces of Ginger
3 Stalks of Lemmon Grass
Handful of Coriander stalks
Chilli to taste


1-2 chicken carcasses
2 Carrotts
1 Onion
2 sticks Celery
6 peppercorns
5 garlic cloves
Filtered Water


Place your chicken carcass (carcasses) into a large pot.

Note:  If you are using raw carcasses cover them with filtered water and bring them to the boil before adding the remaining ingredients.  As soon as they are boiling, discard the water and continue as below.  Raw Carcasses produce a lighter coloured stock with a slightly different flavour.  This process removes a bitter note from the stock and is often forgotten.  Also, ensure you maintain good hygiene if using raw carcasses, washing your hands and paying attention to your work surfaces.

Add the remaining ingredients roughly chopped.

Finally fill the pot with filtered water to just above the level of the contents and put on a high heat to bring to a boil.  When at boiling point, turn down the heat so the surface just “blips” with bubbles and allow to simmer for 1 hour.

Strain the resulting liquid into a suitable container and don’t forget this next step.  TASTE YOUR STOCK!  If it tastes at all watery, then place the liquid back on the stove and reduce it by boiling off some of the liquid.  Flavourful stock is what we are looking for.

Let the stock cool in a container before you cover it and store it in the fridge.  We keep our stocks for up to 4 days and if we think we won’t use them in time we freeze them.  Freezing stock as ice cubes is a great way to have handy amounts on hand to add to sauces.  If you have a dog and some left over stock give it to them for a treat.  They will absolutely LOVE YOU FOR IT!

Try using your stock in the following ways:

Drink a mug of warmed stock when you return from your windy walk :-)
Use it as the liquid to make your next risotto.
Use it as the liquid to make your next spicy rice.
Add it to your next casserole or stew.
Use it as the base for your next gravy.
Use it to make noodle soup.

Stay tuned for some of the recipes above as we add them.  If you'd like to make sure you don't miss them subscribe here and we'll send you loads of cool stuff.  ff you’re having a roast chicken today don’t throw the carcass away!

With love from The Strength Temple.


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Mindfulness, Mind Richard Davis Mindfulness, Mind Richard Davis

Comfort zones and growth

In this blog we explore your comfort zone; what it looks like and why it's an awesome place.  We also look at the human paradox and why you NEED to expand your comfort zone.  We discuss how to do it and how it will make you awesome....

Before you read this, just take a second to evaluate where you are on a scale of 1-10 with regards to getting out of your comfort zone?  Don't take too long, but evaluate where you are.  Got your score?  Great, lets crack on then!

So everyone’s heard of the Comfort Zone.  It’s that place where we don’t feel pushed or stressed by an activity or situation.  We handle it with ease and it’s where some people assume they do their best work.

So what does your comfort zone really look and FEEL like?  After you’ve read this paragraph, close your eyes and see if you can GO to your comfort zone.  Pay attention to the colours that predominate, the sounds that you might hear, the smells that might be present.  What does the place look like?  What do you see?  Is there anyone or anything else there.  What’s the temperature?  Indulge yourself and really take a moment to enjoy what this feels like.  OK, so off you go, close your eyes.  Stay there for as long as you like.  Then come back to me :-)

So how do you feel right now?  I bet you feel quite centred and relaxed and that's because being in your comfort zone is a good thing.  I’m not going to tell you it’s not.  The thing is, life is all about balance.  We NEED comfort in our lives, but we also need to feel stretched and pushed.  That’s right, it’s not just a "nice to have" or an option, we actually NEED to feel challenged.  It’s what creates growth and is part of feeling fulfilled and happy.

Tony Robins (widely considered to be one of the best coaches on the planet) refers to this as the human paradox.  We have a NEED for CERTAINTY and a NEED for UNCERTAINTY.

Reflect on this for a moment and let it resonate with you.  If this is a revelation for you - enjoy the insight and get ready to understand how we can actually enjoy this process, because whilst your comfort zone is great, it’s when we get outside of this area that the magic happens.

The key to getting outside involves a number of things based on your current situation.  The mere thought of getting out of your comfort zone can feel quite exciting to one person and yet fill another with dread and fear.  This is based on how you define these actions internally in the theatre of your mind, and how you anchor them to past experiences.

Moving outside is a bit like stretching your muscles.  If you aren’t used to it you should start gently and gradually.  As time goes on you will start to feel the benefits and can go a little further.  Over time you will suddenly realise that you are so far removed from where you were that it’s miraculous!

This applies to your personal situation as well as your career.  How many people do you know (perhaps even yourself) who have been made redundant only to find that they land a better job?  How many time in your life have you eventually been forced to take action on something only to find that things were better after you did?  You see your comfort zone can be a death rattle for progress if you're not careful.  We recommend you regularly take time to evaluate where you are and make plans to stretch yourself and grow.  Just small steps can expand your zone sufficiently to achieve growth.

The Strength Temple Mindfulness Pilar deals extensively with techniques to move you to a wider comfort zone in a staged way.  If you’d like to hear more let us send you cool stuff here.  We’ll let you know when our online program is ready to rock your world and take you to a whole new destination within your expanded comfort zone.

In the mean time, let’s revisit how you feel about the thought of pushing yourself and getting out of your comfort zone; are you motivated?  On that scale of 1-10 where are you now?

We always say at The Strength Temple that you should never leave an empowering thought or insight without taking action to progress what you’ve learned.  Why don’t you make some plans right now to do that little thing that expands your comfort zone.

With love from The Strength Temple.


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Nutrition, Recipe Richard Davis Nutrition, Recipe Richard Davis

Our Best & top secret Guacamole Recipe

I don't tend to snack too much. This is because we believe in eating 3-4 full, nutrient dense meals a day.  We also believe in allowing for digestive enzymes and acids to redevelop between eating times to ensure sufficient nutrient breakdown and absorption. However... This homemade guacamole is just too good to not have and it's a good way for us to hit veggie targets. Here's my (now not so) secret recipe......

We don't tend to snack too much at The Strength Temple. This is because we believe in eating 3-4 full, nutrient dense meals a day.  We also believe in allowing for digestive enzymes and acids to redevelop between eating times ensuring sufficient nutrient breakdown and absorption.  However, this homemade guacamole is just too good to not have and is a great way for us to hit veggie targets.  If you don't snack on it, try it as a starter for your main meal.

Time: 5 minutes

Ingredients:  2-3 Ripe Avocados, 1 Chilli (as hot as you like), 1 lime, Handful of Coriander Leaves, Garlic Clove, 4 small Cherry Tomatoes, half a Red Onion, Himalayan or soft sea salt such as Malden (there's a link to our favourite Himalayan salt below), Pepper, Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Method:  Cut your avocados in half and reserve the seed (see our blended avocado seed article).  Remove the soft flesh and place in a bowl (put the skins in your compost bin).  Finely chop the garlic, red onion, chilli, coriander (leave the stalks in if it's young and fresh and not woody) and tomatoes.  Place in the bowl with the avocados.  Use the back of a fork to smash up the mixture leaving some chunks for texture.  Season to taste with salt and pepper and add about a tablespoon of the olive oil and the juice of the lime.  Give it a final stir and serve with your favourite crunchy veg.  We had carrots and cucumber in the fridge, but celery works well as do multicoloured peppers :-)


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Mindfulness, Mind Richard Davis Mindfulness, Mind Richard Davis

Surprise Yourself

When we first posted this picture to Instagram the response was quite overwhelming.  We all chuckle about it now, but it does look a bit extreme.  Comments flew in.... "That's photoshopped!"   and "How the hell is that possible?"  "Where are the wires?"

When we first posted this picture to Instagram the response was quite overwhelming.  We all chuckle about it now, but it does look a bit extreme.  Comments flew in.... "That's photoshopped!"   and "How is that possible?"  "Where are the wires?"

Well it's real and we had to take a video of our founding Director, Richie Norton, actually doing this to prove that there were no smoke or mirrors involved.

So what's the message?  Well, you shouldn't expect to look at a picture like this and think that you can do it right away - although that may well be the case :-)  It has taken a good deal of investment in Richie's mind and body to allow him to perform this move.  Richie didn't train for this move, but being able to do it is a result of his training and we think that's a key to success at many levels.

The point we're trying to make is that if you put in the investment and create healthy habits that empower you to be better every day then the results you are looking for become happy side effects.  You actually don't even end up feeling like you've "worked" for them as they are just part of your lifestyle.

So check in with yourself, have a board meeting with your internal CEO, and decide to make some small changes today to take you in the direction you desire.  You don't have to go "all in" straight away.  In fact, it's probably more sustainable if you don't.  If a boat changes course by just two degrees and sails away, the difference in the end destination is massive in a week and unfathomable in a month.  Oh, and if you hit a problem, change your direction.  Calm seas never made the best sailors!

Go on and do yourself a favour.  SURPRISE YOURSELF!


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Nutrition Richard Davis Nutrition Richard Davis

Foods to Fight Inflammation

Inflammation is a healthy part of our immune response, but there are foods that we can eat that reduce inflammation when it gets out of control in some circumstances.  Check out our tasty tips here.

Firstly the boring bit.  Please seek advice from your Doctor before making any significant changes to your diet.  The Strength Temple 121 clients have access to our Doctors and authorised advice, but others should seek advice before embarking on any intensive psychological, nutritional or exercise plan.

Inflammation is an important part of our response to injury and trauma, however when out of control or caused by disease can cause increased pain and stimulate processes in the body which are not desirable. One of The Strength Temple 7Pillars - Nutrition -  advocates a diet that creates an environment for a healthy immune system and inflammatory response.

"Anti Inflammatory" diets are a bit of a buzz word at the moment, and we do not advocate any temporary and extreme diets.  Eating is an amazingly beautiful part of being alive and we encourage you to eat the right foods and enjoy preparing and consuming amazing meals every day.  We encourage you to feel satisfied from eating - life's too short to go hungry!

So firstly let's look at what NOT to eat.  Well you guessed it - foods high in sugar and saturated fat can spur inflammation.  We are talking all the usual suspects from plain old cup cakes to refined carbohydrates such as white bread and white pasta.  These are the foods that we already know we should only eat in moderation - if at all.  Their impact on your inflammatory response is just another reason to avoid them.

The good news is that there are a whole heap of tasty, nutritious and beautiful looking foods that we CAN eat that will help with inflammation.

1.  Fatty Fish

The cornerstone of any diet looking to combat inflammation will contain a suitable dose of OMEGA 3 fatty acids which have been proven to help reduce inflammation.  The only issue is that to get the benefit you would need to eat fish several times a week and it should be cooked in a healthy way such as sous vide, steamed, poached or grilled.  A good addition to make is to take a supplement for Omega 3.  Be careful as a diets too high in Omega 6 can cause inflammation, so look for an Omega 3 only supplement.

2.  Eat your GREENS!

Here's another no brainer.  We just know that green vegetables are good for us.  We know this because of science, but probably more relevant because of the way they make us feel, the effect they have on our skin and our general feelings of wellbeing!  That said leafy greens are a winner in a diet looking to decrease inflammation.  Try steaming some Cavolo Nero or cabbage for a hit of pure goodness.

3.  Nuts

Nuts are full of food fats, calcium, fibre, Vitamin E, selenium and a whole bunch of other great stuff.  Nuts are also part of the Mediterranean diet which is widely endorsed as health promoting.  A handful of almonds in your next smoothie will assist in your quest for a lower inflammatory life!

4.  Fruit

Strawberries, cherries, oranges, blueberries.  Bet you didn't know it could last that good!  Add these to your smoothies or use them to pimp your porridge.  As well as high doses of vitamin C these fruits will deliver valuable additional vitamins and minerals.

More to follow in next week's article.....

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Nutrition Richard Davis Nutrition Richard Davis

Pimp your porridge!

So there are a few things to consider when making your porridge, but before you do anything else, we always say #GOORGANIC

So there are a few things to consider when making your porridge, but before you do anything else, we always say #GOORGANIC

Organic food has no chemicals used to kill bacteria and pests.  It costs more because the yields are lower, but the quality for your body is ALWAYS better.  Look for Steel Cut or Regular Organic Porridge Oats to form the base of your awesome snack!  If you are Gluten free then you can get gluten free oats too.  Our members get access to our shopping lists and food services so if you're one of them, don't worry - this is taken care of :-)  #redcarpet

Then it's really up to you.  If you are OK with Lactose, milk is a winner.  Organic milk.  Other alternatives to milk as a liquid for porridge are coconut water, coconut milk, filtered water, almond milk, soya milk - the list is really endless.  Combinations of any of these are also wirth experimenting with.  We made some awesome gloop recently with 50/50 Almond Milk and Coconut Water.

A few staples I always include in the mix are:

  • Cinnamon (teaspoon)
  • Organic RAW Honey (as much as you like for your taste)
  • Himalayan Salt (pinch)

Toppings (go crazy):

  • Walnuts, Macadamia Nuts, Cashew Nuts - Any nuts!
  • Cashew butter
  • Fresh fruit - try dragon fruit, mango, strawberries, blueberries
  • Chia seeds
  • Bee Polen

Relax when you eat.  Have a glass of filtered water 10 minutes prior to set the scene for your digestion.  Take your time and enjoy.  Smile a little.  Ready for anything!

Here's a few of our recommended ingredients below.  They link to Amazon UK if you'd like to stock up.

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Flexibility Richard Davis Flexibility Richard Davis


Flexibility is one of the 7 pillars of your Strength Temple for a reason.  Well actually it's for a whole load of reasons!

Often the thing that most people ignore or just get lazy with, gently stretching your muscles after training confers long term benefits to your quality of life.  As a premium member you will get a whole stack of info on flexibility, but for those of you just interested in a quick knowledge hit here we go.

Flexibility is one of the 7 pillars of your Strength Temple for a reason.  Well actually it's for a whole load of reasons!

Often the thing that most people ignore or just get lazy with, gently stretching your muscles after training confers long term benefits to your quality of life.  As a premium member you will get a whole stack of info on flexibility, but for those of you just interested in a quick knowledge hit here we go.

I'm fit and strong - why waste time working on my flexibility?

  • Flexible people have decreased rates of injury and assists with achieving great posture.
  • Good flexibility reduces stress in your exercising muscles and assists in releasing tension that builds up during training.
  • As we age flexibility gets gradually worse and many conditions are linked to this e.g. back pain, so get stretching!
  • Lengthen your muscles for a leaner look.
  • Feel more comfortable when you are travelling or when you feel the need to sit cross legged for a picnic. 

How to stretch

  • Stretching should never be painful
  • Check out different methods of stretching including static and dynamic
  • Don't forget to breathe :-)
  • Go for 5-10 minutes of gentle stretching after excercise
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