Welcome to The Strength Temple Learning & Insights.  All our client services are completely discrete and bespoke.  That said we want to deliver useful and valuable content to the wider community interested in reaching their full potential.  This section delivers articles based on our


 philosophy of Hydration, Flexibility, Movement, Nutrition, Environment, Breath & Mindfulness promoting overall wellness and empowering habit formation.

Mind, Mindfulness Richard Davis Mind, Mindfulness Richard Davis

My Toughest Opponent.... Me!

Our founder and Director Richie Norton shares his thoughts on the past year and gives you some insights into what's coming and how to prepare for your best year yet!  We also have a link here to our Strength Temple Goal Setting workshop.  This section is a detailed and tested way to set your goals for 2017 so they actually stick and turn into your dreams!  

Hi Temple gang, 
I wanted to check in one last time before the 2016 chapter comes to an end (still can’t believe it’s over already). But what a year it’s been..

Life changing experiences, emotional decisions, physical and mental challenges, lessons and enlightenment. This year has had it all; I’m guessing there will be a few of you reading this thinking the same? Powerful right?

I’d like to start by saying thank you to everyone that has been part of this ‘TheStrengthTemple’ rollercoaster journey so far. I may not say it all the time but I’m constantly pinching myself that we've been able to build something that has had such a positive effect on so many lives. Feeling and seeing the physical and mental benefits of making some better choices to improve the quality of life we can all have really has blown my mind and I’m buzzing so many of you are going down this path with us. 

This time of year can be super tough for a lot of us, for various reasons, so it’s really important we do what we can for those less fortunate and take a minute to appreciate and be grateful for everything we have. We all have special powers and it’s so important we use them to help others when we can. Remember a small gesture of kindness can really make someone's day or even save a life, all you need to do is look up and be aware of whats happening outside of your little bubble. Checking in with someone you’ve not been in touch with for a while, a simple smile or offering to help someone in need can be an incredible gift. Why not practice it today!

Richie’s mindfulness check list:

  1. Write down everything I’m grateful for and read daily affirmations.

  2. Make a list of all the experiences that have made me really happy.

  3. Build an action plan to smash my goals for 2017 (we can help with that - click here!).

  4. Meditate twice a day; morning and night for 20 minutes - focus on breathing deep cleansing breaths.

  5. Remain present, let go of the past, recognise the lessons, don’t worry about the future.

  6. Treat everyone and everything around me with respect and how I wish to be treated myself (karma is real).

  7. Move my body and stimulate my mind everyday.

  8. Take care of my precious life, eat well and value a healthy existence.

  9. Always remember the effect I can have on another persons life.

  10. Listen to my instinct, it’s always right. x

When it comes to taking care of yourself and keeping up with your fitness regime, once winter sets in and the festive party season rolls out, it can become hard for most to stay motivated. Colder days and less daylight to play in means going outside to train and pushing through xmas party hangovers and festive feasts often leaves you feeling heavy and sluggish. This inturn can lead to every excuse under the sun to not move our bodies. We might casually slipp into 'lazy ass mode’ (scientific term) and fall off track.

Remembering why you started your training journey and staying connected with the passion that drives you is the difference when the "lazy gremlins" are whispering in your ear.

I’m a big believer in ‘balance' when it comes to training and lifestyle, no matter what your sport and health goals are. If you’re a professional athlete, ‘#Fitfam’ social media gym junkie or simply working on your general wellbeing, ultimately its about taking care of your body and mind, feeling great and being happy. If that's not part of your motivation, I suggest you have a think about what really matters and whats going to keep you sane.

The popularity of social media, the thirst for recognition in the industry and amongst your peers in the fitness world, the need for followers and likes and what looks like an epidemic of body dysmorphia fuelled by aesthetic perfection is a concern. I feel there’s an element of neglect to remember why you’re going down this path in the first place. I didn’t want to spend too much time on this subject but it really does concern me and I’m worried for those that may have lost their way and it’s making people sick.

"Those who have not found their true wealth, which is the radiant joy of "Being" and the deep, unshakable peace that comes with it, are beggars, even if they have great material wealth. They are looking outside for scraps of pleasure or fulfillment, for validation, security, or love, while they have a treasure within that not only includes all those things but is infinitely greater than anything the world can offer” - Eckhart Tolle, “The Power of Now”  This is from the book that helped me make sense of a few things and see the world from a new perspective.

Being a bit of an adventure nut and adrenaline junkie, there’s not much I wouldn’t do or haven’t tried at least once. Playing Rugby and competing in athletics throughout my younger years, I relied on my coaches to advise me on how to move, train and eat; thinking they would have all the answers and have my best interests in mind (not always the case I found). It wasn’t until my professional career dreams were over due to injury that I realised there was so much to learn, it was time to find some mentors.

This was the beginning of my rehabilitation and functional movement practice. My mobility geek addiction began and personal training journey started. The Strength Temple is born out of this new awareness and understanding and continues to evolve.

There is so much information out there now, it’s a mine field of facts and complete rubbish so it’s really important you connect and learn from those that are backing it up with science and practiced methodology.

We have the power to inspire, motivate and teach the younger generations how to live happy and healthy lives. It begins with taking care of yourself! Walk your talk and set the best example possible.

Here are some 'Strength Temple’ questions you might want to ask yourself before you start setting up your 2017 ‘Gamechanger’ campaign…. :)

  1. What are you training for .. Health, wellbeing, olympics or all of the above?

  2. How do you know the way you are training is the right way?

  3. Have you experimented with other methods?

  4. Are you experiencing reoccurring injury's?

  5. Are you over training, feeling rundown?

  6. Do you have the right structure in place with realistic and sustainable weekly targets?

  7. Are you really preparing your body in the right way before exercise?

  8. Are you putting in enough time to improve your range of motion?

  9. Is your poor flexibility preventing you from getting to that next level?

We created a whole article on goal setting, specifically with a New Year vibe.  You can use it at any time of year though - the science is the same.  If you really want to set goals that will motivate you and increase your chances of success go do this excercise here!

The Strength Temple Goal Setting Plan

One of the biggest projects this year and one of most motivating, has been my recent campaign with NewBalanceUK. It’s been a powerful few months that's given me insight into the minds of incredible athletes competing at the highest level of performance and taken my respect for what is required to be the best to a whole new level. It's inspired me to face the battles of my mind and get me into the best shape of my life both physically and mentally.
I honestly thought I understood what it takes to be at the top of your game. I’ve been fortunate to have found mentors and gained priceless experience training with legends like Laird Hamilton, Brian Mckenzie and Gabby Reece (all incredible athletes and pioneers in this game) opening up a whole new chapter to explore; How we breathe, how we move and understanding that our minds really are the key to unlocking it all.

Having the right knowledge, up to date research, kit and equipment all plays a vital role in feeling the confidence you need at the highest level. Giving you the edge thats necessary to push past your mental boundaries and win (whatever that means to you.) This is another element I’ve learnt so much about this year.

The UK sportswear scene is pretty nuts and only seems to be gaining momentum as the world gets more and more fitness crazy. Before I became a training nerd, I’d picked kit based on looks and if it matched the rest of my outfit! Don’t get me wrong, style is still very important of course but the technology and research that’s going in into the NewBalance product performance really is next level.

I love that it’s cool and the norm to see everyone cruising around in their gym kit (even if they’ve not ever seen a gym) rocking a new hoodie, yogi pants and a fresh pair of trainers round town. I basically live in gym kit all year round so making sure it’s comfy, gets the job done and looks cool is very important to me. The grand opening of the huge NewBalance Flagship Store in Oxford Street London happened recently. Three floors of sneaker porn and fitness threads to immerse yourself in. If you haven’t checked it out yet, it’s time you went in to meet the team and see what they are up to.


287-291 Oxford Street,
Tel: 0207 499 8089

Anyway… I better leave it there before I ramble on anymore and get carried away on another topic! I hope you can take something away from this post, even if it’s just checking in on yourself to make sure you're on track.

Begin creating now, manifest everything you want to achieve and believe it’s possible, because it is if you can visualise it (True story).

Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make decisions. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love.

Oh, and ALWAYS..... #respectyourtemple

Love Richie x

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Mindfulness, Mind Richard Davis Mindfulness, Mind Richard Davis

Setting Goals & Your Best Year Yet!

OK folks.  It's that time of year when we all jot down a load of New Year’s Resolutions.  There is something very powerful about the turn of the year from one to the next.

This could be one of our most important articles for you.  It's the one that gets you motivated to achieve everything in your life you deserve.  It's an awesome exercise in designing a future that will deliver endless joy and power to your life.  It's an exercise that can be done at any time of the year.  Don't delay.......

OK folks.  It's that time of year when we all jot down a load of New Year’s Resolutions.  There is something very powerful about the turn of the year from one to the next.  When we really think about it there’s nothing to stop us setting some goals on any day of the year, but this tradition or “habit” is a cultural one for many of us, and it is a great opportunity to start moving in a direction that is more powerful for you.

So how does it go for you?  Doe this sound familiar to anyone?  “What shall I go for this year?  Is that realistic?  Will I stick to that one?  I know - let's put "get fit....."

Well it is a VERY familiar goal.  The number of people that join the gym in a New Year is very significant.  You may have already seen the subliminal messages going out on social media and around you locally.  Special offers will abound for memberships.

So we guess what we’re trying to say is that this is a GREAT time to set some goals for the year ahead (but if you’re reading this in February there’s nothing to stop you taking control and following this advice on goal setting anyway)!

What is most frustrating for many people is getting past week 1 and sticking to their intentions!  We're here to tell you, that if you just make your list in a slightly different way, create some new habits and progress steadily with the right expectations, your chances of success are significantly higher than before.  So invest a little extra time in making your list this year, and really describe what you are GOING (not trying) to do in the year ahead :-)

The thing about goals are that you need to feel rewarded by their attainment, but you also need to be able to "enjoy the journey."  Many people split goals or resolutions down into a check list to make sure that they are suitable, and more motivational.

So get yourself some paper & pens, pencils, paint pots - whatever floats your boat.  The first thing we will do is a brainstorm of what you want to do.  It sounds obvious, but what you MUST do is write your goals / resolutions down! Take a good 10 minutes or more doing this.  Use different colours, put your favourite music on, turn up the volume, get right into it - remember it's YOUR life you're planning !

Make your ideas into a compelling list, draw pictures and doodles on them, make them fun - do whatever you like, but commit them to paper. Just write whatever comes into your head.  Do that first before you progress with this article.

You should have a good list.  Before we go to the next step, how does this make you feel? Just ponder on that for a moment and start to manifest how your life will be when you have achieved some or all of your goals!

Now take another colour pen (we like to use a big thick marker) and write H for High, M for Medium and L for Low Priority next to each one and rewrite the lists in High, Medium and Low Priority order.  Then for each list write Easy, Medium or Hard next to each specific resolution / goal. We want you to have a balanced list of resolutions.

Then we'd like you to pick your favourite Easy, Medium and Hard from each list, and start the exercise below with each of these.

Before we go on let’s just pause again for a second.  If this all feels like a lot of effort - have a word with your subconscious.  This is FUN.  You are planning a better you!  A more enjoyable life!  Really allow yourself to feel excited, and enjoy the process.

OK - for each of your favourite resolutions I would like to you apply the following technique to make sure that you have EFFECTIVE GOALS.  You may have done this before and it’s called the SMART technique.

SMART goals exhibit the following characteristics:

S - They are very Specific (a wider goal can be broken down into stages of achievement)
M - They are Measurable and have a means to track progress
A - They are Achievable
R - They are Realistic
T - They have a Time within which they will be achieved.

We want you to apply this to ALL of your goals.  To help you we’ve given an example of how to apply the SMART method to a common goal and one close to our heart - get fit!

GET FIT! can manifest itself in a New Years Resolution list in  a number of ways.  You could simply write - Get Fit.  Or you might write Join a Gym.

The problem with both of these is that Get Fit is not really specific enough.  Join a Gym may help you reach your goal, but there is no mention on how you will USE the gym.  You need to get specific.  So a good start might be:

"I will get fit this year.  This will make me feel healthier and give me more energy to accomplish my other goals.  It will give me a sense of achievement, and allow me to lose the 20 lb's I need to shift.  I will feel more confident, and will look great on the beach during my summer holiday.  My friends will comment on how well I am looking, and how my mood is elevated for more of the time."

Now that's specific!  You need to really understand your motivations for your goal (getting fit).  They will be different for different people.  Write them down so you are have a deep understanding of why you are going to do what you are planning.

So now we must make it measurable.  Specifically - how many times will you exercise per week.  What will you do and what do you see as the pitfalls in your plan?  How can you make preparations for when they occur, so you can stay motivated?  Also, getting “fit” isn’t just about exercise.  How will you modify your nutrition to feel amazing all the time and give your body the best building blocks for the new you? Write it all down.  Don’t forget you can go to www.testrengthtemple.com for advice on every element of wellbeing at anytime.  It’s still all Free as we build our community :-)

Remember - if you are not used to exercise, be kind to yourself in the early stages.  If you are not joining a gym, but going running, then start by walking and build up gradually.  There’s nothing worse for motivation than running off at the pace you remember you could the last time you excerecised to find you are in pain, a world of suffering and aching badly the next day.  Take your time.  There is no rush, just consistency and commitment that win the day with this one!

Please also choose some activities that you like!  It makes everything so much easier.  Recruit friends and family to join you too.  You will be helping others and getting that motivational boost you need by sharing your progress.

So you may be feeling really motivated and writing "I will attend the gym every day for a year”.  That’s commendable, BUT - be honest with yourself.  Is this Achievable and Realistic?  Will you have the time?  Is it a good idea and does it give you sufficient time for rest?  It's often better to set a goal that allows you to overachieve.  Why not set a goal to go twice per week?  There's nothing to stop you going five times and having a feeling of massive overachievement!  We would recommend that you write something like this.

"I will attend the gym at least 2 times per week on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings.  As my training plan evolves, I will review this on a monthly basis.  If I manage to get to the gym in additional to this base commitment, then GREAT!  I will start with walking and progress steadily and enjoy the journey."

The above also includes an element of the T in Time.  It also allows some space for review and overachievement which will maintain your motivation and start to make your new lifestyle an empowering habit.

So let's go back to our original goal - Get Fit.  Well - another thing about goals, is that they work better if you have a target, and also if you have support.

How do you measure "Get Fit"?  It could be by weight loss.  It could be that you prepare for an event.  e.g. Run 5k, 10k, Run a marathon, do 50 press-ups, 100 press-ups, 1000 press-ups!  Choose your longer term goal, and aim for it.  Do another quick SMART check on it.  Is it realistic?  If it isn't at this point, then break it down.

There is NOTHING to say that you can't run 100k of you are committed to do so.  What you will need is patience and the ability to break this goal into more manageable chunks.  Aim for 1k.  Celebrate.  Then 3k - celebrate, then 5k etc.  You will get there in the end if you keep moving, are motivated and apply the principles above.  Also, if you decide that you want to change your goal, then change it!  As long as you are still on your path to “getting fit” then that’s great.

Finally - don't go for an "all or nothing" approach.  If you fail to hit any stage of your goal, it's a learning opportunity, not a failure or an EXCUSE to stop.  If you manage to get to the gym once in a week, revaluate your goal.  Why did you miss your target this week?  Do you need a friend to come with you for more motivation?  Are you getting bored?  If so change your exercise plan.  Variety is the key - don't just do the same thing week in week out - you will get bored.  All this should be fun!

So here is a summary and an example of a SMART goal to "get Fit".

"I will get fit this year.  This will make me feel healthier and give me more energy to accomplish my other goals.  It will give me a sense of achievement, and allow me to lose the 20 lb's I need to shift.  I will feel more confident and will look great on the beech during my summer holiday.  My friends will comment on how well I am looking and how my mood is elevated for more of the time.

My definition of fit is as follows.  I will lose 20lb's in weight slowly and healthily through exercise and moderation of my diet.  I’ll get my inspiration on a daily basis by researching my goal.  I will get inspiration from www.thestrengthtemple.comI will get my resting pulse rate down to 65 beats per minute.  I will train to compete in the local 10k run in September this year.

I will draw up a training plan on Monday and stick to this.  I will attend the gym at least 2 times per week, and take up Tennis and swimming to provide variety.  I will ask my friends to join me to provide a welcome social element to my training.

I will continuously check on a weekly basis that I am progressing toward my goal and will not be affected negatively by any setbacks, but will learn from them and change my plan to suit my needs.

When I achieve my goal, I will CELEBRATE,  evaluate the process, and see what worked and what didn't.  I will then be excited to set a new goal, and continue to enjoy the process and healthy habit of getting and being fit!"

Now apply this to your other goals.  DO NOT SKIP THIS PROCESS.

If you have chosen a goal you feel will be quite challenging (something like stopping smoking) then you can also draw on a very powerful technique we teach in this article:

Powerful Thought Game to Change your Future

We hope this has helped you.  If you feel that your friends would benefit, please send them a link to our article.

We want to help as many people as we can lead a happier more awesome life.  It's what gets us out of bed in the morning!  We can invest out time and do all our work in committing these techniques to our website, but it's so much more powerful if more people are exposed to it.  Just a quick click, cut and paste into Facebook or Instagram would be great, or use the share button at the bottom of this article.

Thank you in advance for sharing :-)

Have fun - and stick with it.  We'd love to hear your feedback, successes and setbacks.  You can do it.  We know you can :-)

In the coming year The Strength Temple will be releasing a number of programs to facilitate you progressing to an awesome life both physically and mentally.  Stay tuned for this by subscribing to our newsletter below.  We don't send loads of emails, just occasional summaries of our best content and we never share your data.

Our Director, Rich Davis used this technique to train for a Triathlon a few years ago.  Crossing the finishing line was an awesome feeling for him.  Here’s a picture we hope will inspire you to really commit to crossing your own finishing line - whatever that may look like.  Good luck and don’t forget. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.



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Mindfulness, Environment, Mind Richard Davis Mindfulness, Environment, Mind Richard Davis

Powerful Thought Game to Transform Your Future!

The first time I did this my goal was to get out of rented accommodation and into my own home.  I didn’t think I had the financial capacity to do it and it was really getting me down.  Within 2 weeks I’d found a new home and placed an offer that was accepted. I also used it to stop smoking and change my career.  This stuff works!

The first time I did this my goal was to get out of rented accommodation and into my own home.  I didn’t think I had the financial capacity to do it and it was really getting me down.

Within 2 weeks I’d found a new home and placed an offer that was accepted. I also used it to stop smoking and change my career.  This stuff works!

A good way to really take some action towards something is to momentarily  consider what would happen if you don't.  Think of something you really want to change.  It could be anything - your fitness level, your finances, your relationship with someone (existing or imagined!), your diet, smoking, drinking or anything at all really!

Now, the following process can can feel a little emotionally painful in places, but it's worth it and will allow you to shed your fear and live in the now.  It's also important when doing this exercise to make sure you have a good half an hour of no interruptions.  Turn your phone off.  Find a quiet place.  Make sure you are comfortable.  It's a kind of meditation, and so light a candle if that's your thing, and get yourself centred.  If you can’t do it now, book some time in your diary for later and look forward to it!

Preparation is the key. Put all of this in place before you read on, or this won't work.  I want you to do this properly, and this will take me some time to write and explain, so return my investment in you by doing exactly as I ask, and don't cheat.  You will be rewarded at the end for your honesty.

The process requires you to stop at times. When I write PAUSE, do what I have asked, and don't read on until you have done this.  Promise me.  Don’t cheat yourself out of a better result.  It will work so much better if you follow these instructions to the letter.  After the pause there will be a long blank section to stop the temptation to read on before time.  When you are ready just scroll through these sections to the next stage.

OK - So have you prepared??  If you haven't PLEASE DON'T READ ON.  Get yourself set up.

I'm assuming that you're ready and have done all I asked.  I respect you for this, and wish you an interesting and enlightening journey. Let's begin. Be prepared to feel all the emotion associated with it.  I promise you will feel great at the end and have more clarity.


Sit quietly on your own with no distrations. Now consider your life where you are now. Really think about your current situation, the current thing you either don't have, or behaviour you would like to change, and allow yourself to "feel" everything.  Take a couple of minutes, don't rush.  How do you feel about this thing?  Breathe deeply.

PAUSE - do this then scroll down to the next part...

OK. Once you are focused on this, you need to consider what you want.

I want you to focus on this for a minute, and more importantly the perfect scenario. Imagine a balanced life.  Imagine you have changed the bahavious you want to change, or achieved the goal you imagine.  Close your eyes and focus using pictures - make them colour, sounds, smells, touch and taste. This process uses what's called the "theatre of your mind". There are no rules, no restrictions, it's all up to you to make it real.  Really take time to describe this to yourself as if it’s happened.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

Have you done this? If you haven't thought about the perfect situation go back and start over - it won’t work properly unless you do this exactly as I describe.

If you are still being good, awesome.  Enlightenment is round the corner!  Does it almost seem real because you ave taken the time to really feel it, and imagine it with colour, sound, smell - everything? 

Good - Now for the more difficult part.

In a minute, I want you to close your eyes again, and see yourself in 1 years time WITHOUT what you wanted to happen.  Not just the actual habit or thing, but all of the things you would have missed out on, or how your energy levels will still be low.  I want you to really FEEL how things are with nothing changing. Use all your senses again. OK do this now.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

Have you done it? If you haven't stop right now and do it bofore reading on.

OK. Now I need you to do the same thing, but forward yourself 5 years into the future.  You still haven't changed, or achieved the thing you wanted.  How old are you now?  What are you doing?  What is missing in your life because you haven't simply gone for it?  Do you have any regrets?  Really feel it. Don't skip the steps.  Do this now for a minute or so.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

OK. Now launch yourself 10 years into the future and do this again.  What has happened.  How is your physical body and health.  What are you doing?  What have you missed out on.  What are your wider friends and family doing?  What do they think of you?  Again for a minute or so close your eyes and really FEEL the situation like you are there 10 years from now.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

OK. I should think you're feeling pretty rubbish by now, so lets really raise the bar. I want you to project your life 25 years into the future.  This will be hard, but really see yourself without what you want.  Where are you.  What do you look like.  What have you missed out on?  Are you happy?  Do this for a minute or so, and use all your senses.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

OK.  I am sorry to have had to do that to you. It will be more than worth it though.  The thing is:


Feel relief. Feel thankful for your current situation and that you have the opportunity and power to bring any change in your life you desire.  Bring yourself back to the present.  Breathe deeply and give yourself the opportunity to take another look at your future.  This bit is amazing.  Take your time before you start, because you have just gone through quite alot.  Have a sip of water or something.  Breathe for a while and feel relaxed in your surroundings and body.  All that stuff hasn't happened, so let's design your future the way it WILL AND SHOULD BE!

So you've thrown away all of the future you just envisaged - BIN IT!!  Lets do this again.  This time, FEEL everything in the theatre of your mind for what would be going on in your life if you go for what you want or change what you need to change.  In 1 year from now, if you have that perfect relationship, what are you doing?  If you have decided to change your diet and take regular exercise how do you look and feel, what are your energy levels like?  Where are you?  Give this some thought for a minute and close your eyes.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

You guessed it - starting to feel a little better.  Now it gets better and better.  5 years get's a chance now. Do it again. Don't skip the steps.  Really take time to enjoy the feelings that you are experiencing having achieved what you wanted.  If it was a new relationship - are you married (if that's what you wanted)?  Do you have children.  What do they look like.  If you wanted a new house - where are you living.  What is everyone doing around you in your new life? Feel everything. Get into minute details. Don't hold back.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

OK - That's great, now let's go for ten years. Don't rush this. Have a good look at yourself. It's tempting to rush at this point, but really take time to experience your new life as it will happen. What are you up to now??? Did you stop smoking or drinking?  Where have you been travelling to in the world?  Amazing! Take as long as you want.

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

GREAT! Now let's go for the big one. 25 years from now in your desired situation how do you feel?  Is there a picture of you on holiday somewhere on the wall? Feeling great, looking fantastic; amazing?  Think of EVERYTHING. Take as long as you want and enjoy and relish in the experience!

PAUSE do this then scroll down to the next part...

Right - bring yourself slowly and gently back in time to the present.  Have a think for a minute about the two scenarios you have just allowed yourself to consider. The ying and yang of your future if you will. One - not what you want, the other - what you are perfectly capable of. Which one do you want to focus on and do everything in your power to go for and attract?

You might want to try this exercise with a friend if they have an open mind and are perceptive to it.  There is a share button at the bottom of the post.  We’d love to impact on as many people as possible to reach their dreams.  Please spread the word.

If I were you I'd sit and reflect for a while. Feel content in your power to design your future. You really have all you need to make it what you want.  Just don't be afraid to go for stuff.  If you get hurt or knocked back, what the heck.  All you have is a lesson in how not to get there, so try something else.  It's not what you know - it's what you do.

If you don't make mistakes, you won't make anything, and your life will rush away from you.  The past does NOT equal the future.  You have the power to go for what ever you want, and it starts right now.

Oh - and don't rush, enjoy the journey :-)



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